I’ve been so crazy busy making things, I haven’t had chance to update my blog..thesis..design projex..industrial safety xm n so on...fuhh.It wasn’t as tiring as I thought it would be. But I worked on it slowly but constantly the whole week..I attended one of my friends wedding at the Kuala Klawang. It was the wedding of to his beautiful and wonderful wife, event started at around 12pm and ended at around 4pm. I really had a great time there.Thanks for inviting and…CONGRATS to Sya and hubby!!! May you be blessed with everylasting love, happiness, health and wealth!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Keep Up the Good Work..

'Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up'
~Stepping Up -me ~
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
sOmewhere here in my hEart
.....::tH€ gEd!knE$$ v€r$!on 0F m€::.........

Here I am,living by myself,wif myself & 4 myself in my life.I'm sure it won't be for a long time,nor do I want it to be.But I am truly enjoying looking at the world through my very own independent eyes & hearing wif my own ears..million of contradictions. If u want ur life blissful, juz b urself n make other people happy with u...never argue with an idiot. They 'll drag you down to their level then beat you with experience...hahaha
>>down-to-earth yet rebellious<<
Wish list..sounds greedy..but needy
Just came across certain things that I would like to have , in case anyone want to make it for me…heee…=P 

1)A shelf of Ipod..soo cool!

2)Sport car...Porsche boxster

3)Trip to Venice...with my beloved one(blushin)

4)Versace Venus Ostrich handbag...

5)Meet Angelina Jolie..she such a privilege
6)Gym membership..Celebrity fitness Club
7) Shopping without limit at eluxury.com...heee....

8)New hair-do..really need a different look

9)Farandole Bracelet..
All effort gone down d drain...
What a relief! The tuesday mornink that just passed was the day of my design project presentation.It wasn’t easy at all..unluckily the performance doesn't went well, we’ve got 'valuable' comments from the judges.All negative feedback, this shows that our effort has gone down the drain! Mayb v x prepared ourselves enuf for the presentation..lack of attention on uncompleted part.I apologize to all coz not perform well in doin design project..economy part would be the worst part compared to others...anything, but I feel it can be put off no longer. I...am...so...pissed...off!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe wut i've done.When I heard that mywork is one of the worst, my tears almost flow out from my eyes. I had spent some effort doing up the job but finally a perfect work gone down the drain! At the moment,i think it does not mean that it is end of the road.The implied meaning is that there are still hopes.At these has come to an end , but yet it might be the beginning of another stage...chaiyok2
"The fickle finger of fate works in strange ways."
Undefeated me!!
"The fickle finger of fate works in strange ways."
Undefeated me!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Arrogance doesn't belong to me...

He killed her...

She couldn't stand the silence
She couldn't stand the tears
She couldn't stand her life,
He was her entire world,
She gave him all she possessed,
He did the same in return,
They were thought to be obsessed.
Their love couldn't be reached,
Couldn't be touched by any other,
They were all they needed,
They only wanted each other.
From two they became one,
They made each other whole,
They filled each other's voids,
They filled each other's souls.
Everything was perfect,
Everything was great,
Till one damning day,
They were told they'd have to wait.
Her parents were moving her,
To a distant place,
They'd be torn apart,
Couldn't see each other's face.
They swore they'd make it work,
Vowed to stay together,
Didn't care about the distance,
They'd be together forever.
She gave it all she had,
She did her very best,
But he still slipped away,
He didn't pass the test.
While she was thinking of him,
He had found another,
He said he couldn't do it,
He talked it over with his mother.
She was devastated,
Her heart was torn straight out,
She'd been such a fool,
She should have listened to her doubt.
From then on they stopped talking,
Never spoke again,
While he was with his new girl,
She was dreaming of him.
Every day she'd cry,
She tried to fight off all the pain,
But the hurting never stopped,
Just shot through every vein.
Months went by since the ending,
But she only grew worse,
She couldn't accept what happened,
This was love's curse.
It finally overtook her,
She couldn't stand it anymore,
She grabbed a picture of him,
And snuck out the front door.
She walked into the woods,
Found a secluded place,
Kept thinking of the past,
And how she'd been replaced.
Hours later she was found,
In a pool of her blood,
And beside her they found,
His picture in the mud.
On the back read her reason,
Why she took her life,
What he did to her,
It seemed he had held the knife.
Though physically he didn't kill her,
He tore her soul apart,
It was obvious how she did,
It was from a broken heart.
This is something I read and wanted to share ...........
Emotional pain.......hurts a lot more than Physical ..........
Food alive..
these are great....I wonder how it is to spend so much time on a creation and then have the elements take it away..these are amazing and very phenominal..i love them all..they all look so realistic...freakingly cool!

Julian Beevers a.k.a the street picasso...amAZing
Julian Beevers is a street artist who takes advantage of the way brain understands ...he amaze the world by creating the amazing art chalk drawings on pavement surfaces..Really incredible, I'm sure you'll agree..

Awesome art work...he's a very talented man..can't possibly get anymore talented than that..thank you for bringing people such amazement and entertainment..what would the world be without art?
mi$$ by bestees...puCkish aNgelz
They say you're lucky if you can find one person who just gets you, well I'm blessed because I have 11 best friends who have given me love, support and encouragement durin my skul time.. I know that no matter what, these are my true friends and they are not afraid to be straightforward with me. I appreciate all them so much and I can honestly say that I wouldn't have made it through this past year without them..mish them all....
Puckish Angelz

gurl really can rock!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Newly wed..Ayuni n Akmal Zaki
First and for most, congratulation to my luvly couz,Ayuni n Zaki..newly wed couple ..get married yesterday...wut a perfect couple..An Eternity of Happiness for the beautiful couple. .ayuni look like a lovely princess and i am so happy you have found your sweet prince..great DOCTOR in town...hee

I'm so0 into dis song...."Tak bisa memiliki"
Certainly, I love dis song..from indonesia band..the samsons..rate tis song..5 starz out of 5...hee..i would keep listen to it all day.. It's always a nice surprise when it comes on on the radio. I go thru phases of songs..d lyrics sounds extremely emotional..lol..i never keep one long but d melodic really helps me get through a lot of things.. its great when you find that one song that really lets you let it all go..d song lyrics;
Apakah yang engkau cari
Tak kau temukan di hatiku
Apakah yang engkau inginkan
Tak dapat lagi ku penuhi
Begitulah aku
Pahamilah aku
Mungkin aku tidaklah sempurna
Tetapi hatiku memilikimu sepanjang umurku
Mungkin aku tak bisa memiliki
Dirimu seumur hidupku
Tak kau temukan di hatiku
Apakah yang engkau inginkan
Tak dapat lagi ku penuhi
Begitulah aku
Pahamilah aku
Mungkin aku tidaklah sempurna
Tetapi hatiku memilikimu sepanjang umurku
Mungkin aku tak bisa memiliki
Dirimu seumur hidupku
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