Last week was kind of a very tough moment in my life. I was trapped in so many uneasy situations. There was no way to escape. Dealing with it was all I could do.So many external things that I could not avoid to made me losing my focus..lotz of things have to be done on economic part..maybe it wasn't my field..maybe it wasn't me at all. well, let's see. I still have my dream though... being a single, life was kinda complicated and I thought that being 'double' would be better..this is life..full of problem. All we need in this life is strength. In all aspects of life, I got myself haunted by so many difficulties that I could not afford to handle.There was no solution. All I could do was just waiting until all the problems were solved by the rolling of time. Not that I did not want to clear away those problem out of my life but the cause was sort of an external one. It should have been easier if the problem came from myself, I just had to do something with me. But it was all external. This week things are calmer. .Not that all those problems were solved but at least, one by one, they are not as complicated as before. My head is not as full as before. I can think without having to get a headache. I can see things a little bit more clearly now.This is life. Life is up side down. Just be prepared. Both sides need strength anyway.All I know that, I have to be strong and gain all the strength on earth, grab it to my heart and let the blood spread the energy to all over my body and mind...
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