When i get hurt, sometimes it helps for me to just turn back for awhile and walk away.It gives me myself a moment to regain strength and clear my mind to help myself deal with the pain.Several times I feel like running away and just escaping from everything else..but i knew, no matter what I do, life do catches up on me. I wish I could post a more cheerful snapshot but recently i've been at hectic stage of life..so sorry peeps!!. People do say, if your spouse is spending more and more time with new “friend” then there is probably more to it than mere friendship.Whatever the reasons for the friendship, it’s a big warning sign and one you should take seriously.It is not a good to love someone who belongs to someone else coz it only lead to ruin their relationship.I'm not sure about where these feelings will take me but surely i have to erase everything and take over it.I’m not going to just leave everything hanging and i know I shouldn’t be feeling this and honestly i tried to avoid it, tried to ignore it and even distanced myself. I wanna be happy for him just like any good friend should feel and wut else could i be any happier. To whom it may concern,i'm truly sory for everything..it just happen beyond my circumstances but x worry..we r just friend and will always remain as friend..nothing more than that..too good to be true.
It’s still a long road ahead and my battle of life is not yet over but I know in God’s perfect time, things will be made perfect according to His will. There are things that are simply not meant to be no matter how much we try.If a relationship is truly meant for us, love will find a way to make it happen, and God will be there to make sure it will stay.Sometimes we just don’t realize that what we’re looking for is something we already have, we just couldn’t realize it and sometimes we just take for granted the people who matters to us the most..appreciate them before it’s too late..wink~

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